David Engster <d...@randomsample.de> writes:
> I guess this should be simple but somehow it's not working for me. I
> want to generate a todo list which is sorted according to the scheduled
> date. Consider the following test.org file:
> ** TODO: first SCHEDULED: <2009-04-01 Wed>
> ** TODO: second SCHEDULED: <2009-04-23 Thu>
> ** TODO: third SCHEDULED: <2009-04-16 Thu>
> This minimal setup
> (setq org-agenda-files '("~/orgtest/test.org"))
> (setq org-agenda-sorting-strategy 
>       '((agenda time-up priority-down category-keep)
>       (todo time-up priority-down category-keep)
>       (tags priority-down category-keep)
>       (search category-keep)))
> should sort TODOs according to time, right? But when I do

As far as I understand it, time-up sorts only by time of day in the
agenda view. I.e., it will place items that have been scheduled for a
particular hour at the top of the agenda.

Here's some info from the docstring:

| time-up            Put entries with time-of-day indications first, early first
| time-down          Put entries with time-of-day indications first, late first
| Pull out all entries having a specified time of day and sort them,
| in order to make a time schedule for the current day the first thing in the
| agenda listing for the day.

There is the possibility of using a user-defined function. Perhaps you
could use that to sort by date.

| user-defined-up    Sort according to `org-agenda-cmp-user-defined', high last.
| user-defined-down  Sort according to `org-agenda-cmp-user-defined', high 


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