On Monday,  2 Sep 2019 at 10:34, rey-coyrehourcq wrote:
> Hi,
> Sorry, i make a typo in the previous mail, i use the "org-icalendar-export-to-
> ics" method and not the org-caldav method...

Ah, okay.

I should say that I only export appointments (i.e. active time stamps)
to ics so it could be that the export doesn't understand
scheduled/deadline items.

Have you looked at the info manual for org icalendar export?  It does
mention a couple of variables that may affect what you are getting:

,----[ C-h v org-icalendar-use-deadline RET ]
| org-icalendar-use-deadline is a variable defined in ‘ox-icalendar.el’.
| Its value is (event-if-not-todo todo-due)
| Documentation:
| Contexts where iCalendar export should use a deadline time stamp.
| This is a list with possibly several symbols in it.  Valid symbols are:
| ‘event-if-todo’       Deadlines in TODO entries become calendar events.
| ‘event-if-not-todo’   Deadlines in non-TODO entries become calendar events.
| ‘todo-due’            Use deadlines in TODO entries as due-dates.
| You can customize this variable.

,----[ C-h v org-icalendar-use-scheduled RET ]
| org-icalendar-use-scheduled is a variable defined in ‘ox-icalendar.el’.
| Its value is (todo-start)
| Documentation:
| Contexts where iCalendar export should use a scheduling time stamp.
| This is a list with possibly several symbols in it.  Valid symbols are:
| ‘event-if-todo’       Scheduling time stamps in TODO entries become an event.
| ‘event-if-not-todo’   Scheduling time stamps in non-TODO entries become an 
| ‘todo-start’          Scheduling time stamps in TODO entries become start 
|                       Some calendar applications show TODO entries only after
|                       that date.
| You can customize this variable.

: Professor Eric S Fraga, http://www.homepages.ucl.ac.uk/~ucecesf
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