
I want to create a list of participants of an event which people can
sign, so that I can record who actually turned up.

>From the registration website I can download a CSV file and import it
into and org file:

| ID | Name         | Titel / Title | Vorname / First Name | Nachname / Surname 
| Institution           |
|  1 | Alice Apple  | Fr./Ms.       | Alice                | Apple              
| Universität zum Apfel |
|  2 | Bob Birne    | Hr./Mr.       | Bob                  | Birne              
| Pear University       |
|  3 | Carol Carrot | Prof.         | Carol                | Carrot             
| University of Veg     |

I would like to reduce this to

| ID | Nachname / Surname | Vorname / First Name | Signature |
|  1 | Apple              | Alice                |           |
|  2 | Birne              | Bob                  |           |
|  3 | Carrot             | Carol                |           |

and then print it out as a LaTeX table.

I can obviously write a source block of Python or R to do this, but can
I manipulate the table more directly in Org?



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