Hello all,

I'm using capture templates with the %a expansion element [1]

The documentation says:  "Annotation, normally the link created with

The expansion results in links like this:

This not really so good, because I routinely refile things in my inbox -
renders the link useless.

Is there a way to force org-capture to generate a link with a globally
unique ID?

A brief look at the code
seems to suggest
that org-store-link is called with a nil argument - I don't know what that
exactly does but I wonder if that's what is causing the generated link to
behave differently than when org-store-link is called interactively?

I would also like a globally unique ID generated for the currently clocked
item (the %K expansion
element), but hey, one thing at a time, right? :-)

Any ideas?


[1] https://orgmode.org/manual/Template-expansion.html#Template-expansion

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