Hi friends,

Version 0.3 of org-ql has been released.  There are many changes,
including a new helm-org-ql command and an alternative, non-sexp query

- Changelog: https://github.com/alphapapa/org-ql#03
- helm-org-ql demo: 

Here are some examples of the new syntax (somewhere along the line,
these lines will probably get mangled):

| Sexp syntax                                     | Non-sexp syntax             
| (todo)                                          | todo:                       
| (todo "SOMEDAY")                                | todo:SOMEDAY                
| (todo "SOMEDAY" "WAITING")                      | todo:SOMEDAY,WAITING        
| (ts :on today)                                  | ts:on=today                 
| (ts-active :from "2017-01-01" :to "2018-01-01") | 
ts-active:from=2017-01-01,to=2018-01-01 |
| (clocked :on -1)                                | clocked:on=-1               
| (heading "quoted phrase" "word")                | heading:"quoted 
phrase",word            |
| (and (tags "book" "books") (priority "A"))      | tags:book,books priority:A  
| (priority >= B)                                 | priority:A,B                

Please let me know if you have any problems or suggestions. Thanks.

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