Ken Mankoff <> writes:

> On 2019-10-06 at 21:52 +02, Sebastian Miele <> 
> wrote...
>> I wrote:
>>> [..]
>>> However, something like the following may suit your use case. (For the
>>> header-args property see section 15.2 (Using Header Arguments) of the
>>> manual.)
>>> * A Heading
>>> :header-args: :var table=table_foo
>>> :END:
>>> #+NAME: table_foo
>>> | foo |
>>> |-----|
>>> |  42 |
>>> | 100 |
>>> #+NAME: import
>>> #+BEGIN_SRC python
>>> import numpy as np
>>> table = np.array(table).astype(np.float).flatten()
>>> #+END_SRC
>>> #+BEGIN_SRC python :noweb yes :tangle
>>> <<import>>
>>> #+END_SRC
>> Just the following works too, of course:
>> #+NAME: table_foo
>> | foo |
>> |-----|
>> |  42 |
>> | 100 |
>> #+NAME: import
>> #+BEGIN_SRC python
>> import numpy as np
>> table = np.array(table).astype(np.float).flatten()
>> #+END_SRC
>> #+BEGIN_SRC python :noweb yes :var table=table_foo :tangle
>> <<import>>
>> #+END_SRC
> The result of tangling this is "" contains:
> import numpy as np
> table = np.array(table).astype(np.float).flatten()
> And I'd like it to somewhere include the line:
> table = [42,100]
> or something similar. I don't have the table data in the tangled code.

Strange. On my system, typing C-c C-v t (org-babel-tangle) in an Org
file with the above mentioned contents does yield a file
with the following contents:

table=[[42], [100]]
import numpy as np
table = np.array(table).astype(np.float).flatten()

Please try it with emacs -Q. Maybe your config is broken.

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