Interesting addon, I like this idea. :)

I remember Org Mode has a similar option (can't figure out the option name). And
also have some similar solution like this. Just they are depend on "task

I want to add some hooks on your code, but found this code is hard to read. I
agree Adam's advice, better to use ~org-element~ API to do parsing.

Andrea Giugliano <> writes:

> Hi,
> I recently landed on this conversation:
> Since I find myself quite often in a situation like the following:
> * TODO abc [3/3]
> - [X] a
> - [X] b
> - [X] c
> I decided to dive more into Org's API, and I created this library [0] to
> automatically moving that task to DONE. My library checks that when you
> are in a situation like:
> * TODO abc [1/1]
> - [X] a
> ** TODO b
> the parent task does not swap to DONE because there is still a sub-task
> to complete.
> Tasks that have heading like
> * abc [0/1]
> or
> * TODO abc
> do NOT get updated, because I want this to work only for TODO that have
> statistics.
> How could I propose this as an add-on of Org Mode? Do you think it is
> worth the effort?
> Any feedback is very welcome to learn more :)
> Best,
> Andrea
> [0]

[ stardiviner ]
       I try to make every word tell the meaning what I want to express.

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