I'm having an issue with quoting noweb functions. Since quote is used to
signify a variable being passed into the noweb syntax function call I
cannot put a quote around theno web function call and end up with invalid

I feel like I had this working at some point and it turned out that
:results value smartly handles quoting the values or something. I keep
seeming to run into the problem though of needing something like:

echo "<<nowebFunction(var1="variableOfCodeBlock")"

My org mode code complete with examples I hope are easy to understand are
at the bottom of this email.


Cody Goodman

* Function that mocks getting json with curl (typically I use restclient
blocks though or otherwise mix code blocks of differing languages)
** code
   #+name: get-login-json-mock
   #+begin_src sh :results value :var user="user1" pass="pass1" :noweb yes
   echo "{\"loginToken\": \"hunter2\", \"user\": \"$user\", \"pass\":
   #+RESULTS: get-login-json-mock
   | loginToken": "hunter2 | user1 | pass1 |
** result: works fine
* pick out value from login json returned with jq
** code
   #+name: get-login-json-value
   #+begin_src sh :noweb yes :var logValUserVar="user2"
logValUserPass="pass2" jqExpr="[]keys"
   echo $json | jq $jqExpr

   #+RESULTS: get-login-json-value
   | sh: line 2: hunter2 | : command not found |
** result: sh: line 2: hunter2 | : command not found |
* get login token function using previous functions
** code
   #+name: get-login-token

   #+RESULTS: get-login-token
** result: nothing, because the previous step fails

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