I'm getting there - I found

(org-element-property :PROJ (org-element-at-point)) from a regular org-mode
file -
now I just need to jump there from the agenda.

On Sat, Oct 12, 2019 at 12:18 PM Nathan Neff <nathan.n...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm trying to implement a function to display the TODO items of the
> currently highlighted
> item in the agenda and have a few questions:
> Goal:
> 1) From the agenda, place the cursor on a heading.
> 2) Press a key and instantly narrow the agenda to the heading which the
> cursor is on.
> 3) Display org-todo-list for the "narrowed" item in a new buffer, with the
> name "agenda for <heading name>" or perhaps "agenda for <property "PROP" of
> the narrowed item"
> 4) Keep the existing original agenda view (using sticky or some other
> tactic).
> Here's what I have so far:
> (defun njn-show-tasks-for-project()
>    (interactive)
>    ;; (setq preval org-agenda-sticky)
>    ;; (message "preval is: ")
>    (call-interactively 'org-agenda-set-restriction-lock-from-agenda)
>    ;; (org-toggle-sticky-agenda 't)
>    (setq org-agenda-buffer-name "JarJarBarBar")
>    (call-interactively 'org-todo-list)
>    ;; (org-toggle-sticky-agenda preval)
> )
> This works, but my original agenda view is updated to be restricted.
>  I've been tinkering with the "sticky" view for the agenda.  Also, I would
> like to set the name of the new buffer to either the heading which my
> cursor
> is on in the agenda, or perhaps a property of the heading which my cursor
> is
> on in the agenda.
> As you can see, I tried to set a "preval" variable to the current
> stickiness of the agenda
> and then reset the value after calling org-todo-list, but this has not
> worked out for me so far.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> --Nate

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