
"Fraga, Eric" <e.fr...@ucl.ac.uk> writes:

> On Thursday, 17 Oct 2019 at 15:21, Cecil Westerhof wrote:
>> I tried it out (after a bit of configuring) with the following:
>> #+BEGIN_SRC plantuml :file groupingComponents.eps :noexport
> [...]
>> It looks a bit different, but I will not worry about it at the moment.
> I use the following tools within org for eventual export to PDF via
> latex: tikz, ditaa, graphviz (dot, neato, ...), & plantuml.  I've even
> bee known to use LaTeX's own picture environmnt.  They each have
> different advantages and disadvantages but all work well with org in my
> opinion.
so think and do I. At the moment I try to consolidate the tools I use
and try to get away with tikz only. I tried to reproduce same diagrams I
created with plantuml. Well, it works. But there are a lot of details in
plantuml's output that you have to do manually with tikz. BTW, I just
discovered that plantuml's pdf output is way different from its LaTeX


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