`org-tempo' is the replacement. It is mentioned in the docstring for 

Here is what I have in my `emacs-init.org' file:

(The letter `p' denotes where point should land. `n' is a newline. See the 
docstring for `tempo-define-template' for more details.)

#+begin_src emacs-lisp 

  (require 'org-tempo)

  (tempo-define-template "org-src_R"
                         '("#+begin_src R" p  n
                           n "#+end_src" )
                         "<R" "Insert R block" 'org-tempo-tags)

  (tempo-define-template "org-src-named-R"
                         '("#+name: " p  n
                           "#+begin_src R"   n
                          n "#+end_src" )
                         "<r" "Insert Named R block" 'org-tempo-tags)

  (tempo-define-template "org-eqnarray"
                         '("\\begin{eqnarray} " '> n p
                          n "\\end{eqnarray}" >)
                         "<Y" "Insert LaTeX eqnarray" 'org-tempo-tags)

  (tempo-define-template "org-equation"
                         '("\\begin{equation} " '> n p
                          n "\\end{equation}" >)
                         "<Q" "Insert LaTeX equation" 'org-tempo-tags)

  (tempo-define-template "org-displaymath"
                         '("# begin math" n
                           "\\["  p n
                           "\\]" n
                           "# end math" n)
                         "<m" "Insert \\[ \\]" 'org-tempo-tags)




> On Oct 29, 2019, at 1:59 AM, Vladimir Nikishkin <lockyw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> In the version 8 of org-mode you could indicate where to put the point
> after the template is expanded. In the template
> (list "p" "#begin_src plantuml :file ? :export both \n#end_src"),
> after the template is expanded, the point would be located after
> :file, whereas in the template (list "SO" "#begin_src scheme :export
> both \n?\n#end_src") the point would be located on the frist line
> after the header.
> At the moment, `org-insert-structure-template' just inserts the
> question mark verbatim. I would consider this a regression, but maybe
> there is some replacement mechanism?

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