Cancel that, I was looking at a cached version of the page.
Thanks again for the documentation.
All the best,
Thomas S. Dye writes:
Okay, it's up. If anyone wants to explain to me the point of
exists" clause in the SQL, I would be interested to hear. It
works as
expected this way, but is that clause necessary?
The 'if exists' clause protects against an SQLite error raised
you ask to delete a table that doesn't exist. The code will
without it if the table exists, but will exit without creating
table if not.
Thanks for a useful addition to the Org babel SQLite
documentation. I agree with you that Org mode tables are a
convenient way to enter SQL data, keeping in mind that table
columns can't be rearranged without changes to the SQL code.
All the best,
Thomas S. Dye