Adam Porter <> writes:

 > org-ql would make this pretty easy, I think.  Use an org-ql query to
 > select entries, and for the :action function, use a simple function that
 > copies the entry or subtree and yanks it into a buffer.  Then save that
 > buffer to a file.

Yes, it is.

Although just picking some entries from huge org-mode base and write
them into separate file is a base feature of org-mode itself. org-ql
package just making the process of finding entries of interest much
easier and faster.

John Sturdy <> writes:

  > I'd like to be able to export agendas as org-mode files

If you're looking into the pure org-mode approach, then what you're
looking for ~org-agenda-write~ function or custom agenda view written
with exporting in mind. In order to export to org all you need to do is
to specify .org extension.

I was using this small snippet to export some of my agenda seacrhes:

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
  (org-agenda nil "a")
  (org-agenda-write "~/" nil t "*Org Agenda*")

Be aware that this will regenerate your *Org Agenda* buffer, so either
use sticky agendas or export agendas in separate emacs process.

But I would highly recommend using org-ql for these purpouses. Besides
pretty solid and easy-to-use interface it is noticably faster.

Here is the snippet I am currently using to export all subtress directly
tagged with :info: to the separate file. (Sorry for the lack of proper

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun org-user/store-info ()
  (let ((file "~/org/cals/")
        (heading (org-format-outline-path (org-get-outline-path t))))
      (find-file file)
      (org-edit-headline heading))))

(defun org-user/export-info ()
  "Export all information entries into one file."
  (find-file "~/org/cals/")
  (insert "#+TITLE: Information")
    '(tags-local "info")
    :action #'org-user/store-info)

You need to invoke (org-user/export-info), obviosuly.

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