Leo Gaspard <orgm...@leo.gaspard.io> writes:

> Hello world,
> I have appointments that are scheduled on timezones other than my
> computer's. Does org-mode support setting that? It looks like timestamps
> don't support adding a timezone, so I'm wondering whether there's a
> reasonable way to use s-expressions in timestamps for this?
> Well, ideally org-mode could be adapted to support timestamps in
> arbitrary timezones, but I guess there are reasons why that's not
> supported?

It's not what you're asking for, but timezones in calendar exports, at
least, are supported. I'm planning an upcoming trip to London, so I make
a "London trip" heading in my schedule.org file, and add a TIMEZONE
property with "Europe/London" as the value. It doesn't work in the
agenda (the agenda would require quite a bit more work to support it),
but when I export to my caldav server the TZ is set properly and it
shows up right on my phone, etc.

That's something, anyway...

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