Spenser Truex <w...@spensertruex.com> writes:

> Email is something I check often (with Gnus), so attaching my agenda to
> it is a good way to stay on track.
> (defun my-instant-agenda ()
>   (org-agenda-list nil))
> (add-hook 'gnus-before-startup-hook 'my-instant-agenda)
> I'd like to be able to have it split vertically, since it otherwise
> obscures my view. How can I do that?
> =============ACTUAL SETUP=============
> +------------------------------------------+
> | Gnus                                     |
> |    org-mailing list                      |
> +------------------------------------------|
> |                                          |
> |                                          |
> |  ORG AGENDA                              |
> |    TODO: everything                      |
> |    DONE: nothing                         |
> |                                          |
> |                                          |
> |                                          |
> +------------------------------------------+
> =============GOAL EMACS ARANGEMENT=============
> +------------------------------------------+
> | Gnus              |  ORG AGENDA          |
> |  org-mailing list |   DONE: everything   |
> |  Mom              |   TODO: other stuff  |
> |  alt.sex          |                      |
> |                   |                      |
> |                   |                      |
> |                   |                      |
> |                   |                      |
> |                   |                      |
> |                   |                      |
> |                   |                      |
> |                   |                      |
> |                   |                      |
> |                   |                      |
> +-------------------------------------------

What's your value of gnus-use-full-window? It defaults to t, and I
wouldn't have expected that even your "actual setup" above would work.
If you set that to nil, and then manually create the side-by-side layout
with "C-x 3", is it preserved?

I wrote a package called Gnorb that attempts to integrate Gnus and Org
(and BBDB) a little more closely together, so this is something that I'm
interested in. Gnorb can't currently do this sort of display, in part
because Gnus's window management is gnarly, but it does provide for
tagging Gnus messages with Org tags, and popping up agendas relevant to
messages. I'll be curious to see how you progress with this...

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