
It seems that when a file with global properties is included, the global
properties are not inherited. Is this a bug or a feature?

Consider the two files inlined below:

# ---------------------------------- file '' -------------------
#+property: MY_INCLUDED_PROPERTY some included value
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -------------- file which includes ---------------------------------------

#+include: :only-contents nil
#+property: MY_INLINE_PROPERTY some inline value

src_elisp[:exports results :results raw]{(org-entry-get nil 

src_elisp[:exports results :results raw]{(org-entry-get nil 
"MY_INLINE_PROPERTY" t)} some inline value
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------

As you can see from the results of evaluation of elisp blocks, the
included global property is not available in the including file. Note
that the documentation for #include states that there is a special
property :only-contents for including only contents, not properties. To
play it safe, I have set this property to 'nil' above.

Based on this documentation, I was expecting global properties to be
available by default in including files.

I find current behaviour inconvenient, because I want to set common
global properties for a large number of files, and I can not currently
do this via an included file.

What is the verdict?

I am running
Org mode version 9.3 (release_9.3-34-g2eee3c)
GNU Emacs 26.2


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