>>>>> Steinar Bang <s...@dod.no>:

> Platform: Windows 10,
>         GNU Emacs 26.3 (build 1, i686-w64-mingw32) of 2019-08-29
>           Org mode version 9.1.9 (release_9.1.9-65-g5e4542 @ 
> c:/ProgramFiles/emacs-26.3-i686/share/emacs/26.3/lisp/org/)
>           Org2Blog Runtime: Org2Blog 1.1.1, MetaWeblog 1.1.1, XML-RPC 1.6.12

> I've installed org2blog from melpa stable following the instructions in
>  https://github.com/org2blog/org2blog#using-a-package

> I've created a template article and have successfully logged in to the
> blog
>  https://github.com/org2blog/org2blog#make-your-first-post-in-less-5-minutes

> However exporting buffer fails with the error message
>  org-export-barf-if-invalid-backend: Unknown "nil" back-end: Aborting export

> I have googled the error message and found this old thread:
>  https://www.mail-archive.com/emacs-orgmode@gnu.org/msg105337.html

> I have manually loaded ox-org as suggested in the thread, but that
> didn't make the problem go away.
>  https://www.mail-archive.com/emacs-orgmode@gnu.org/msg105374.html

I read the source code and manually loaded ox-wp:
 M-x load-library ox-wp RET

And then "Save post draft" saved the article.

Now I have to figure out why installing the package from melpa statble
wasn't enough. 

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