Hello all,

I just found the org-babel-min-lines-for-block-output variable.

I have a table like this:

#+RESULTS: people-table
| User  | ID | Homepage                 |
| Bob   |  1 | http://example.com/bob   |
| Steve |  2 | http://example.com/steve |

And a code block like this:

#+begin_src python :var people=people-table :results output
for i, person in enumerate(people):
    print('- ' + person[0])
    print("  " + person[2])

I would like to set org-babel-min-lines-for-block-output variable for
only the above code block.  Is this possible using #+property or something
like that?
Or do I need to have a "wrapper" elisp block around my python code?


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