I would have to say the hardest thing I ever have to do as a developer
is naming things. It is hard enough to do within a context of a single
group, even harder when speaking about something with a global user base
(language, social/cultural differences etc). Despite this, it is so very
important as it defines expectations, which will in turn determine

As an example, 'aspects' for me is more like a different view into a
'thing' while collections are more like distinct, separate collections of
'things'. To some extent, aspects feels like a 'virtual collection'
where collection is more like a concrete separation. I can see pros
and cons with both.  

Roland Everaert <reveatw...@gmail.com> writes:

> +1 for this idea.
> You speak about one document used by multiple collections, how do you
> plan to manage that from a file system point of view?
> How will be organized a collection, still from the FS point of view?
> As some are delving into the abyss of sementic, I propose aspects
> instead of collections or contexts. Ultimately we are trying to manage
> various aspects of our life, by splitting those aspects into files or
> diretories and what not. So, if it is the intent of your idea, the term
> aspect seems more appropriate than collection or context IMHO.
> Did you think about the specific UI of aspects management?
> Proposal of UI I particularly like:
> - Mu4E
> - forge/magit
> How to keep track of all those aspects?
> I will surely have more to say, but, as of know I am at work.
> Regards,
> Roland.
> Gustav Wikström writes:
>> Hi list and all honored readers!
>> I have an idea. One that I've mentioned before in side notes. And I want to 
>> emphasize that this still only is an idea. But I want to present this idea 
>> to you. As a way to gather feedback and get input. Maybe the idea is 
>> stupid!? Maybe you think it's already solved? Or maybe it's not, and lots of 
>> you resonate with it as well. In any case, please let me know what you think 
>> on the piece below!
>>                     ________________________________
>>                      ORG MODE: COLLECTIONS/PROJECTS
>>                             Gustav Wikström
>>                     ________________________________
>> Table of Contents
>> _________________
>> 1. Motivation
>> 2. Idea
>> 3. Benefit
>> .. 1. For the user
>> .. 2. For the developer
>> 4. Example use cases
>> .. 1. Separate actions from reference
>> .. 2. Work / Personal separation
>> .. 3. Separated book library
>> .. 4. More?
>> 5. Risks and challenges
>> .. 1. Which configuration to use?
>> .. 2. Should project config allow local variables?
>> ..... 1. How to initialize the local variables?
>> .. 3. Conflict with other customizations
>> .. 4. Files that belong to multiple collections
>> .. 5. Dynamic lists of files and folders for a collection?
>> 6. Alternatives
>> 7. References
>> 1 Motivation
>> ============
>>   Org mode is more than a major mode for emacs buffers. That has been
>>   clear for quite some time. Org mode can operate on sets of files.
>>   Consolidate TODO's and calendar information into custom views. Publish
>>   sets of files. To do this Org mode assumes that the user has a
>>   configuration for each of those features. Each feature is responsible
>>   for maintaining its own context. And almost all of that context has
>>   to be set globally. So even though Org mode has commands and features
>>   that operate on sets of files and folders it has not yet developed
>>   that in a congruent, extensible and composable way. Thus, for the
>>   sanity of our users and developers I think it's time to ... introduce
>>   another concept! One that hopefully can simplify things both for users
>>   and developers.
>> 2 Idea
>> ======
>>   I propose to introduce `Collection' as a concept in the realm of Org
>>   mode. [1]
>>   An Org mode collection is defined as the combination of:
>>   1. A short name and description
>>   2. A collection of Org mode documents
>>   3. A collection of files and/or folders called attachments and
>>      attachment-locations for the project
>>   4. A collection of configurations for the given project
>>   Globally available collections are defined in a list,
>>   `org-collections'. Org mode should include a safe parameter that can
>>   be set as a folder customization to the local active project,
>>   `org-collections-active'. The default should be to the first entry in
>>   `org-collections' unless customized. This local parameter would be
>>   used to instruct Emacs and Org mode on which collection is active.
>>   Only one collection at a time can be active.
>>   Org agenda should use `org-collections-active' as default for the
>>   collection of Org mode documents to operate on. Org agenda should get
>>   a new command to switch between active projects.
>>   I'm thinking that there could be a special Emacs major mode for the
>>   collection as well, called "Org collections mode". Not sure exactly
>>   what to display and how to represent the project there... But
>>   certainly some kind of list of included documents and attachments.
>>   When in that mode there should possibly be single key
>>   keyboard-shortcuts to the most important features that operate on the
>>   collection. And switch between them.
>> 3 Benefit
>> =========
>> 3.1 For the user
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>   A user would gain mainly two benefits as I can see right now:
>>   1. The ability to clearly define (multiple) collections of files that
>>      belong together across org mode, with unique configurations.
>>   2. Less global configuration state to manage and worry about!
>>   The second point might not look like much but is sooo important! Most
>>   programmers know that global state should be avoided. Putting things
>>   in a context most of the time makes things better. And if we can
>>   configure Org mode connected to a context it makes it much more useful
>>   for those who use Org mode for multiple purposes.
>>   The first point is equally important in my opinion. Today one must
>>   configure Org mode per feature. If you want to configure publishing
>>   you do that globally. If you want to configure the agenda, you have to
>>   do that globally as well. If you want to define a location for
>>   attachments, do it globally! What about custom TODO-keywords? Do it
>>   globally! Track ID-locations? Define a location globally!
>>   All above adds cognitive load to the user and makes it difficult to
>>   maintain the configuration as the use of Org mode grows (as it should
>>   ;) ). You have to define the context for each and every feature for it
>>   to know what to operate on. I claim that both the human psyche and the
>>   system itself will have a much more easy time if it could configure
>>   these features together, in a given context!
>> 3.2 For the developer
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>   I claim there will be benefits for developers as well. Today there
>>   exists many packages that extend Org mode functionality. Many work
>>   with the idea of collections. Some that come to mind:
>>   - Org brain (<https://github.com/Kungsgeten/org-brain>)
>>   - Org ql (<https://github.com/alphapapa/org-ql>)
>>   - Ox hugo (<https://ox-hugo.scripter.co/>)
>>   I think that with the addition of the `collections' concept into Org
>>   mode, package developers get a concept they can easily attach to. Yes,
>>   you can easily define your own package-specific concept for that as
>>   well. But then the user loses out in having to configure another
>>   feature. And yes, today you as a developer can say that Org agenda
>>   will be my collection to operate on. But this is a big limitation
>>   since it limits what your package effectively can only work to a
>>   single list of files.
>>   Having a collections concept means you as a developer have another
>>   base on which you can extend. No need to define your own concept if
>>   `Org-agenda-files' isn't enough; make it work together with
>>   `org-collections' instead. Org mode users will be happy because what
>>   they have already defined as important for them can be reused for new
>>   things with ease.
>>   Developing features inside Org mode itself hopefully also can benefit
>>   from this concept. I'm sure there are many people out there with cool
>>   ideas on how to extend and work with Org documents. And I'm equally
>>   sure that the value of developing many of those features will be
>>   bigger if they could naturally attach to an Org collections
>>   definition!
>> 4 Example use cases
>> ===================
>> 4.1 Separate actions from reference
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>   One practice promoted by GTD is to separate actionable items from
>>   reference information. While that practice can be overcome by search
>>   etc. some might still value a clear separation.
>>   Want to look up something related to my general references? Search the
>>   Org collection related to reference-information! Maybe set up custom
>>   views and uses of TODO keywords for reference information for special
>>   agenda views.
>>   Want to only display not yet finished tasks? Switch to the Org
>>   collection for actionable items and browse away.
>> 4.2 Work / Personal separation
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>   The heading says it all. Some like to separate work and personal stuff
>>   out from each other. What more clear way to do that than can there be
>>   than to separate them into their own Org collections? That way you
>>   potentially could let your work-related workflow (I.e. TODO-keywords)
>>   be different than the personal workflow. Without having to think about
>>   a global configuration that has to allow for both.
>> 4.3 Separated book library
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>   Org mode can be used as a media manager of sort. Just define your
>>   conventions for the Org collection using TODO-keywords, categories and
>>   properties. Attach the e-books you have as attachments in an
>>   attachment-scheme special for your book library. Configure export of
>>   the library using maybe a custom HTML/CSS-visual and publish it
>>   somewhere for yourself to look at when on your phone. And do this
>>   without having to think of how changing all these things will affect
>>   the global state of Org mode, potentially messing up your other uses
>>   for task management or other notes and libraries you're trying to
>>   manage!
>>   Note that one can still have a holistic view on all Org mode documents
>>   as well, if important. It only requires a definition of a collection
>>   as the collection of all other collections!
>> 4.4 More?
>> ~~~~~~~~~
>>   Please add more ideas when you think of them!
>> 5 Risks and challenges
>> ======================
>> 5.1 Which configuration to use?
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>   When I'm visiting a file that belongs to a collection, how should
>>   Emacs resolve configurations for that file?
>>   There may be configurations in the following places:
>>   - Global in `emacs-custom.el' or `.emacs.d/init.el'
>>   - Directory local variables in the tree
>>   - File local variables
>>   - Local variables for the project definition in which the file
>>     belongs?
>>   Should visiting a file always have to scan the collections list to see
>>   if the file belongs to any of them, in order to load customizations?
>>   Hmm... Maybe!? Or - maybe not if Emacs can rely on the fact that the
>>   user cares to set the local variable `org-collections-active' (or
>>   whatever it should be called)? In that case, just evaluate the
>>   settings for that project without doing any scan.
>> 5.2 Should project config allow local variables?
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>   Should the collections definition allow customization of variables
>>   that apply for Org mode features? Hmm... Maybe!? One thing that comes
>>   to mind is that a project should be able to define a custom attachment
>>   directory... How else would the attachment-feature know what
>>   attachment directory to use for files in that collection?
>>   Another option could ofc. be that each feature would have to add
>>   support for looking into the collection definition and override the
>>   local variable. But that will add development effort and complexity to
>>   each feature. Not suggested.
>> 5.2.1 How to initialize the local variables?
>> --------------------------------------------
>>   When visiting a file that belongs to a collection, should Emacs at
>>   that point initialize the collection-configuration for that
>>   collection? Ideally some kind of collection-resolution would be made.
>>   Otherwise users will get strange behaviors when the think they are in
>>   one project but Org mode hasn't changed the local variables to match
>>   it. On the other hand, it doesn't sound very performant to have to
>>   check collection-belonging every time an Org mode file is visited!
>>   Possibly solve this with a variable that can be localized -
>>   `org-collections-active'?
>> 5.3 Conflict with other customizations
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>   Maybe I've defined an attachment directory as a directory local
>>   variables in a folder, for all subfolders and files to inherit. Should
>>   collection-customizations override that? Or should the directory local
>>   variables take precedence?
>>   Maybe could be solved by letting the (advanced) user choose using a
>>   customization itself, something like
>>   `org-collections-precede-local-variables' ? Need a intuitive default
>>   though. Most sane default is probably to let local variables take
>>   precedence. Those are created by the user anyways, so she should be
>>   aware.
>>   The more I think of it, there shouldn't be a customization for this at
>>   all. I think local definitions always should override the collection
>>   definition.
>> 5.4 Files that belong to multiple collections
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>   What if I'm being a clever user and define multiple collections for
>>   the same files (I.e. overlap in the Venn-diagram of files grouped by
>>   collections). Which collection is "active" when I'm visiting the file?
>>   This depends on if Emacs should evaluate the collection-settings for
>>   each file visit or not. If they are evaluated for each file visit then
>>   the first matching project in the list of collections should apply for
>>   that file. If a cache is created that lists file and collection
>>   relationships then each file should relate to a list of collections
>>   where the first collection in that list should apply.
>>   If Emacs can rely on `org-collections-active' being set, then the
>>   collection referenced there should be used.
>> 5.5 Dynamic lists of files and folders for a collection?
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>   Should the list of files allow for folders with recursion and patterns
>>   should it be required to provide a fixed defined list of files?
>>   Preferably the same way as `org-agenda-files' work today. Maybe some
>>   kind of caching-mechanism is needed though, for commands that might
>>   have to look for file, collection relations. A cache adds potential
>>   pain for the user though. If a file is added to a folder in a
>>   collection and a "collection-command" is run then the new file might
>>   not show up in the results anyway... So the user will be affected by
>>   caching and will have to know about it. Not good...
>> 6 Alternatives
>> ==============
>>   Doing research for this feature made me realize that much of what I'm
>>   proposing already exist! In another form though, as [directory
>>   variables]. That requires customizations to be defined as safe though.
>>   And today some of the things I would consider to define a collection
>>   aren't safe. For example `org-agenda-files', `org-todo-keywords',
>>   `org-publish-project-alist'.
>>   Some issues with relying on directory variables (Assuming they also
>>   are made safe):
>>   - When invoking Org agenda I will have to first visit a file inside a
>>     specific folder to get the agenda for the correct project
>>   - ....
>> [directory variables] <info:emacs#Directory variables>
>> 7 References
>> ============
>>   I've mentioned this idea the Org mode mailing list previously, but
>>   only as short side notes to other topics:
>>   - <https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-orgmode/2018-11/msg00211.html>
>>   - <https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-orgmode/2019-09/msg00010.html>
>>   Note that I've talked about it as "project". I think that name still
>>   could be considered instead of "collection". Collection is more
>>   general and less overloaded in terms of productivity software. And it
>>   shifts the focus away from task management a bit, which I think can be
>>   a good thing. Because while Org mode may often start to be used as a
>>   task/project manager software, it's useful in a much wider context
>>   than that!
>> Footnotes
>> _________
>> [1] I've previously written about this as "Projects". While Project
>> was my initial name for this feature I think collection may be a
>> better option. For the sake of this text both options work just fine.
>> The idea is the same.

Tim Cross

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