Hello Bastien,

Nice to see you are still alive ;)

Sad to read that you plan to stepdown, but, happy to finally have a way
to support your work on a regular basis.

I hope you will continue to be part of this community even as an humble
user ;).

And I hope, everything will be better for you in the coming years.

I am really grateful to you, Nicolas, Carsten and all the maintainers of
this amazing tool, which, with emacs preserve my sanity in this crazy
life that is the IT.


Bastien writes:

> Dear all,
> I have been involved in Org-mode development when Carsten offered me
> to take over maintainance, back in 2010.
> I still feel grateful for the opportunity he gave me: his dedication
> to make Org a useful tool for Emacs users was examplary and I did my
> very best to give to the community as much as I received from it.
> Over the last years, Nicolas de facto took over maintainance and it
> was a real relief for me: I was struggling with my finances and this
> was eating up all my free time.  Nicolas steadily played the role I
> played for years, reassuring users that someone was on board, that
> bugs would be fixed and new features discussed on this mailing list.
> My plan for 2020 is to ensure a smooth transition while I step down
> as the maintainer---at least by the end of 2020, probably by July.
> As my timetable (and family life) has become more stable, I am more
> confident I can dedicate some of my free time again to maintaining
> until the transition is done: also because there are many ideas I
> would like to try, discuss and implement---Org possibilities still
> feel endless!
> If you want to help me secure some free time, please go ahead!
> I recommend using https://liberapay.com/bzg
> If you cannot, there are also these services:
> https://github.com/sponsors/bzg
> https://www.paypal.me/bzg
> You can also help by sharing the messages I sent:
> https://mastodon.etalab.gouv.fr/@bzg/103318485790068452
> https://twitter.com/bzg2/status/1206617096462983169
> I would love stepping down while releasing Org 10 and making this
> one of the best release ever.  Thanks!

Luke, use the FOSS

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