I improved command to get ride of =f.el= library function:

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun org-refile-targets-all-files ()
  "Use all currently opened Org buffer files as org-refile targets."
  (mapcar 'buffer-file-name
          (seq-filter ; filter Org buffers
           (lambda (buffer)
             (if-let (file (buffer-file-name buffer))
                 (string-equal (file-name-extension file) "org")
               ;; (f-ext? file "org")

Here is the configured option:

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(setq org-refile-targets '((nil :maxlevel . 3) ; current buffer headlines
                           (org-agenda-files :maxlevel . 2) ; agenda files 
                           (org-refile-targets-all-files :maxlevel . 3) ; all 
opened Org buffer files headlines

I think this can be an option for user who might think this is useful like in my
situation. (I want to refile capture elfeed RSS entry to one of my opened Org
buffer's specific headline.)

[ stardiviner ]
       I try to make every word tell the meaning what I want to express.

       Blog: https://stardiviner.github.io/
       IRC(freenode): stardiviner, Matrix: stardiviner
       GPG: F09F650D7D674819892591401B5DF1C95AE89AC3

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