Texas Cyberthal <texas.cybert...@gmail.com> writes:

> Readable prose requires variable-pitch font. Readable code requires
> fixed-pitch font. Org should make it easy to configure the two
> separately.
> mixed-pitch-mode mostly solves this problem, but only advanced users
> know about it.
> https://gitlab.com/jabranham/mixed-pitch

I also prefer proportional fonts for prose in Org buffers, and I
configured my face settings accordingly a long time ago.

However, it is not necessarily so that proportional fonts are required
for prose.  Great works have been written on typewriters for many
years.  As well, Emacs/Org are not necessarily aimed at prose writing
more than other uses, and changing the default would probably be
off-putting to many existing users, so the default probably should not
be changed.

Having said that, if Org could have a simple org-mixed-pitch-mode, or
something like that, that could be very helpful, since it could make
such configuration much easier.  Maybe one could be written to use
face-remapping, which shouldn't take much code.

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