* Sebastian Christ <rudolfo.chr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi list,
> in the last couple weeks (perhaps months?) Emacs hangs for no specific
> reason for me. The single constant is, that when it hangs, it hangs
> while I'm in org-mode. This occurs on multiple circumstance as
> - changing the outline structure by demoting and promoting headline
> - when refiling
> - re-schedule in agenda
> - yanking
> - perhaps more

Same here with 3 different Emacs versions.

> The strange thing is that it happens unpredictably, e.g. I re-schedule
> 11 items without problems and the 12th one lets Emacs crash. Sometimes
> it works for days without problems and then I promote a headline and
> Emacs crashes. Very sad :(

I did not have a crash here, though.

> My actual question is, had someone had similar issues? Or is it just me
> with my configuration?
> Perhaps someone can guide me on how I can find the root cause for this?
> I pretty much lost here.
> Thanks in advance for any hints.

In a discussion on Org/Emacs scalability issues, I got a hint[1] to use
gcmh.el which indicates garbage collecting activity. My
freeze-moments are almost entirely related to garbage collecting.

You might want to try that.

I've got no solution or workaround so far.


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