Bastien <> writes:

> VanL <> writes:
>> I was picturing a way to edit the
>> super/subscripts in expanded immediate mode using the EMS notation and
>> then collapsing that to single line pretty printing.  Hope that makes sense.
> well, it kinda makes more sense now that I can better visualize it but
> (1) I'm not sure the editing experience would be so smooth and (2) the
> implementation would be quite complex -- enough, at least, for me to
> not undertake anything about it.

The nearest thing to it I can think of is the way
org-insert-structure-template works or org-insert-link works.  That,
would apply to a sequence of prefix_sub^super/symbol/postfix_sub^super,
which, would expand to the three E-M-S notation on editing as in
HAL/S [1], and, pretty print as a single line for reading.

> You might want to share this idea with, perhaps
> someone can hack something useful to you and others interested.

I will cc this reply to that list.  

Have a look at ^{3}He and ^{21}Ne in the following linked article.

#+name: see-3He-21Ne-as-prefix-superscript [2]
  We determined that at least 12 of the analyzed grains were parts of
  aggregates in the interstellar medium: The large difference in nuclear
  recoil loss of cosmic ray spallation products 3He and 21Ne enabled us
  to estimate that the irradiated objects in the interstellar medium
  were up to 30 times larger than the analyzed grains.

Question for the list.  Can the HAL/S notation be used for editing a
symbol, in expanded form, with prefix/postfix sub/superscript?  The
collapsed form is a single line pretty printing tiny sub/superscript
before and after the symbol.

PS.  Please reply to the list if
     there is interest as I won't be
     able to reply directly.


-- VL

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