Thanks Bastien for advice and for connecting with Jose. It would be useful
to write some lisp for inserting and adding data from org into rec files.
It could either be from org-mode tables or from properties. I am
essentially thinking of org-mode providing an interface for feeding data to


On Sun, 23 Feb 2020 at 19:10, Bastien <> wrote:

> Hi Vikas,
> Vikas Rawal <> writes:
> > Would you think that an extension of org-collector is the direction to
> > look at? Doesn't look like org-collector has seen any updates in a
> > long time.
> You might want to look at recutils instead.
> It was announced on org-mode mailing list here 10 years ago:
> Jose is still developing it actively - it made the news on HN
> recently:
> There is *some* integration with org-mode, although I have not tested
> it. I've also found this, but this seems outdated and not maintained:
> I'm cc'ing Jose as he may be able to share his own wishlist on how Org
> could better interact with recutils.
> HTH,
> --
>  Bastien

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