Hi everyone,

I would like to host a virtual org-mode meetup tomorrow. It has been on my
mind to do this for a while, but recent events due to the coronavirus have
made it more urgent to figure out how to do this! For example, next week we
are teaching everything this way. So, tomorrow, I invite you to join my
meeting (details below) to chat about org-mode things. If it is a wild
success and there are a lot of you, maybe we will try making breakout rooms
in the meeting to have small groups on different topics.

The meeting will start at 11amEST and go to 12:30pm.

I am open to any topics for discussion. We could also have short
presentations if anyone wants to put one together. We could plan a virtual
org-mode conference for another date. We could collaborate in real time on
some new feature.  If you have some ideas let me know and I will see what
we can do!

I hope to see some of you tomorrow.

Best wishes,

John Kitchin is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

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Meeting ID: 849 205 716


Professor John Kitchin
Doherty Hall A207F
Department of Chemical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

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