
* Karl Voit <devn...@karl-voit.at> wrote:
> As stated on [1] I do have an issue with export to Confluence markup
> via org-mode/contrib/lisp/ox-confluence.el and radio targets[2].
> When I am using a snippet like:
>| - <<foo bar>> :: this is the explanation to this weird term
>|   [...]
>|   Please respect the foo bar everyhere.
> ... it gets exported like that:
>| - *foo bar* - this is the explanation to this weird term
>|   [...]
>|   Please respect the [foo bar|foo bar] everyhere.
> These "[foo bar|foo bar]" snippets are then interpreted by
> Confluence as links to the Confluence pages named "foo bar" which
> usually don't exist.
> I think it would be a good improvement to ignore radio links in the
> ox-confluence output.

Meanwhile, somebody posted a fix on [1]:

(defun export-radio-links-as-plain-text (link desc info)
  (when (string= "radio" (org-element-property :type link))

(advice-add #'org-confluence-link :before-until

Maybe this is a good idea to include this in the official source code?

> [1] 
> https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/fk5z1b/how_to_remove_foo_barfoo_bar_links_via/
>     I'm asking how to search/replace current expressions as a
>     short-term workaround.
> [2] https://orgmode.org/manual/Radio-Targets.html

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