Eric S Fraga <> writes:

> On Wednesday, 18 Mar 2020 at 15:47, Marco Wahl wrote:
>> AFAICS at the org babel calc evaluation the last value of the calc stack
>> gets dropped.
>> So your workaround is okay, I think.  You can just write any dummy
>> element at the bottom of each block e.g. just 0.  No need of
>> duplication.  Looks a bit hackish to me but so what?
> Indeed hackish.  But it does beg the question: why does ob-calc pop the
> stack?  I cannot see any use case given that the stack is essentially
> infinite and can be safely ignored (in most if not all cases).
> Could the solution be to simply remove the =(calc-pop 1)= line at the
> end of =org-babel-execute:calc= function?
> Just a thought.

Possibly the originators thought about the typical use of calc blocks as
units which reduce to the top element of the stack.  In this case the
calc-pop would be the right step to clean the stack.

Just another thought.

-- Marco

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