Em [2020-03-09 seg 20:36:33-0300], Jorge P. de Morais Neto escreveu:

> Em [2020-03-06 sex 09:06:35-0300], Jorge P. de Morais Neto escreveu:
>> Hi.  Since version org-plus-contrib-20200302, my agenda is buggy.  The
>> bug did not occur in previous versions.
> Actually, I realized the bug occurs since org-plus-contrib-20200224.

Hi.  I am sorry for insisting, but this bug report is a month old and
has not been added to <https://orgmode.org/worg/org-issues.html>.  I
have just tested and reproduced it with Emacs 27 -- emacs-27
branch, snapshot from [2020-04-04 sáb] -- and org-plus-contrib 20200406.

In this situation, is it OK to remind you of the bug every month?  I
honestly do not know the netiquette about this.

- <https://jorgemorais.gitlab.io/justice-for-rms/>
- I am Brazilian.  I hope my English is correct and I welcome feedback.
- <https://www.defectivebydesign.org/>
- <https://www.gnu.org/>

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