Joost Kremers <> writes:

> I don't think it's necessary to use a dash (or any other character)
> in longer cite commands, though. =citeintext= isn't that much more
> difficult to read than =cite-intext=. (Biblatex does just fine
> without dashes, and there's always camelCase if you're so inclined.)

It is not necessary, but it may be an opportunity to introduce
namespaces. For example cite and citeX (with a single letter) is
strictly reserved for Org core. Package may introduce new commands
like "cite-subcommand" with a single dash and something like
"cite--subcommand" or "cite/subcommand" is reserved for local use by
users and should not be used by packages.

I think citation needs are quite manifold and thus there might be many
upcoming packages each supporting some special needs. Therefore it
would be nice to a some simple kind of namespaces for commands to
avoid name clashes when using multiple specialised support packages at
the same time.

Until the next mail...,

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