Dear Ken,

thank you very much. I'm looking into cocalc now. I already got it to
compile some file as pdf. I also set up a test file there in
order to start finding out how to do this. Next step, I guess, would be
to see, if org-babel works. Unfortunately, it looks like
a bit more work since for collaboration I need to find out about
versioning and testing the stuff and also about how to get some very
simple interface working there, maybe for small edits github is
nicer. But I have to admit, my experience on tramp (what is that?) and
git is very limited, so I don't yet have an idea of how to set that up
in a good way.

Jupyter Notebooks are not what I feel is right for lecture notes in that
subject since they cannot display circuitikz and latex export is not the
way it should be. It's not a programming class I'm teaching and many
students do prefer the pdf they can either print out or annotate in some
software on their tablets or just display on their smartphone. The exam
is in writing and on paper.

I do also provide some jupyter notebooks, but only for the interested
part of the class and they surely can manage without that. As always,
such options are rather taken up by the more skilled, and not so much by
the weaker students, unfortunately.

Cheers, have a good weekend!


Am Samstag, 18. April 2020 um 15:59 schrieb Ken Mankoff ...
> Hi Dr. May,
> Unfortunately I have not found Emacs + Org to be the right tools when 
> collaborating. What we need is a way for Org wrap/interface/edit Jupyter 
> Notebooks, since that seems to be becoming the standard. Unfortunately.
> I have had some luck with a hybrid approach using the Sage Notebook server. 
> That project is no longer active (perhaps due to the success of Jupyter 
> Notebooks?), but I think you can do something similar with either Google 
> Colab or more likely CoCalc 
> Google Collab is just an interface to Jupyter Notebooks.
> CoCalc can also just run Jupyter Notebooks, but also lets you have a full 
> Linux environment, bash shell, ssh, git, etc. I think you may need to pay for 
> this level of service, but you could then run emacs remotely via ssh, or 
> locally and use tramp. If the backend is git you may be able to work locally 
> and sync with the webserver interface to the tools that your colleagues would 
> see.
> I still don't think your colleagues would be directly editing your Org source 
> though, but you may be able to get close to what you're looking for on those 
> sites. Good luck, and please do post back here if you come up with a good 
> solution.
>   -k.
> On 2020-04-16 at 10:22 -07, Prof. Dr. Johanna May
> <> wrote...
>> Hey there,
>> I've been preparing lecture notes with org-mode and lualatex export
>> that include python diagrams and so on for about more than a year. Now
>> my colleagues and team start to get interested in tweaking the
>> results. Therefore, we would need some kind of online collaboration
>> solution similar to overleaf that can compile the latex including the
>> python (org-babel) inserts. And, obviously, versioning would also come
>> in handy, so that would rather be github / gitlab functionality.
>> Does anyone know of a solution like overleaf that can be used for
>> that? Could you point me at your description of any setup needed? Or,
>> alternatively, do you have some good description of how to set up a
>> server / virtual machine that can do that? (at best including a
>> virtual emacs interface, so not all users have to do all the
>> installations locally)? If so, that description would also interest
>> me.
>> I would like to either use some online platform like overleaf or
>> explain to my university colleagues who already have servers running
>> what they could do for me.
>> The problem is, that the collaboration colleagues are not good friends
>> with coding (they prefer word to latex, excel to python ... until now,
>> at least), so I'm not very inclined to suggest them to start using
>> emacs. I would very much prefer some web-based solution to get them
>> started. Also, such a solution might provide ways of having students
>> contribute smaller bits and pieces without having to go thru the whole
>> learning curve of learning the use of emacs, installing all the tools,
>> etc.pp. Any ideas?
>> Thank you very much!
>> Cheers,
>> J. May

Prof. Dr. Johanna May
Stellvertretende Institutsleiterin CIRE
Fakultät für Informations-, Medien- und Elektrotechnik (F07)
Institut für Elektrische Energietechnik (IET)
Cologne Institute for Renewable Energy (CIRE)
Lehrgebiete: Energieeffizienz und Grundlagen Elektrotechnik

T: +49 221-8275-2697
M: +49 174 891 9002

Technische Hochschule Köln
Campus Deutz
Betzdorfer Str. 2
50679 Köln
Raum: HW2-40

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