On 4/23/20 9:46 AM, Neil Cherry wrote:
> On 4/23/20 2:15 AM, Robert Klein wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On Wed, 22 Apr 2020 08:09:39 -0400
>> Neil Cherry <nche...@linuxha.com> wrote:
>>> I've searched for a resolution for this but haven't found one. I want
>>> to be able to call a different command shell in Windows. What I keep
>>> seeing is that it can't find /bin/sh
>>> #+BEGIN_SRC sh :results output
>>> set
>>> #+END_SRC

Thanks to everyone who helped (Robert. Steven, Julius). Basically the Windows 
was munged and for some reason adding to the path (exec-path) didn't help. 
cleaned up the path and it is now working on both Windows (Home and Work PC).

#+BEGIN_SRC bash :shebang "#!/usr/bin/bash" :results output :wrap
    echo -e "#\n# Date: '$(date +%Y-%m-%d)'\n#"

# Date: '2020-04-26'

Linux Home Automation         Neil Cherry       nche...@linuxha.com
http://www.linuxha.com/                         Main site
http://linuxha.blogspot.com/                    My HA Blog
Author of:      Linux Smart Homes For Dummies

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