Hello, I am looking to migrate from Hugo to org-publish, is there an easy
way? I’ve have found several guides to migrate from jekyll, like this one:

Unfortunately I do not know how to do it smoothly with my set up.

I have some posts written in plain org, that is no problem. But I also have
the majority of my blog posts written in markdown (With YAML header and
TOML header), since I once migrated from Jekyll to Hugo.

I though maybe pandoc could help me in the process, but when converting a
markdown file to org, I am loosing all TOML or YAML headers, so the
resulting org file have no #+ properties.

Any suggestions? I could write some python code that read YAML and TOML
headers and output, but I have lots of custom headers (
like url that will cause 404 errors when migrating to org-publish

Thanks and Have a nice day.

*-- Alejandro Alcalde - elbauldelprogramador.com

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