
I am trying to run some code on a remote machine. This is R code, and uses the `:session` argument so that all blocks in the file use the same session. This works fine when I ssh into the machine and open Emacs running on that machine. However, when I use tramp from my local machine, everything works, except that the session argument is ignored. The top of my file looks like:


#+PROPERTY: header-args:R  :session *R-sdm*

* Current code
#+begin_src R setup :session *R-sdm*
 options(java.parameters = "-Xmx25g")


I normally set the `:session` argument only in the file `#+PROPERTY:` line, but here I added it to the code block header as well, after it didn't work without it. It didn't make a difference though.

What I see when I evaluate the code in this block: I'm prompted for a directory to start in, and the new R process is started there, with the name `*R-2*`. If I evaluate another code block in the same file, I'm again prompted for the directory, and a new process is started there, with the name `*R-3*`. Note that there is no session named *R* running on the remote machine, although there is one running on my local machine.

What I expect is to have the R session names `*R-sdm*`, and to have the same session shared by all code blocks in this file.

My questions:
- is it possible to run code blocks in a session on a remote machine? - if it is, how can I approach sorting this out - is it an orgmode problem, a tramp problem, or an ESS problem?



Tyler Smith

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