Hi Kent,

Kent Primrose <kentprimr...@gmail.com> writes:

> org-agenda-prefix-format uses %T to show the CATEGORY or filename.
> When
> refiling via org-agenda-refile, the CATEGORY (or filename) is not
> changed. The original category (such as "CAP" for items from
> capture.org) remains. This also remains if I regenerate the org
> agenda,
> and even if I kill the org agenda buffer and regenerate. On
> restarting
> emacs, the correct CATEGORY information is displayed in the org
> agenda.

I cound not reproduce this problem.  

Can you first try to download and install the latest version of Org
and see if your problem persists?   If so, can you send a minimal
example and step-by-step recipe explaining how to reproduce it?

Thanks a lot,


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