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akater <nuclearsp...@gmail.com> writes:

> * Summary
> I have a patch that allows to put trace output and error output into
> corresponding Org buffer. Current behaviour with outputs being splitted
> so that they go to different buffers (Org buffer, REPL), is arbitrary
> and inconvenient. The patch ensures backwards compatibility. I thus
> believe merging the patch would be a clear improvement. I use the
> proposed features daily (trace, mostly). Note however that the patch
> can't be merged right away; see [[Caveats]].
> Contents of output streams not specified in =:results= is always emitted
> to REPL buffer.
> * Examples
> I'll give here some examples of what's possible with the patch applied
> that is not possible currently.
> ** Output of ~time~
> #+begin_src lisp :results trace
> (time 0)
> #+end_src
> : Evaluation took:
> :   0.000 seconds of real time
> :   0.000004 seconds of total run time (0.000004 user, 0.000000 system)
> :   100.00% CPU
> :   420 processor cycles
> :   0 bytes consed
> :   
> ** Traces
> #+begin_src lisp :results trace :wrap example lisp
> (defun memq (item list) (or (eq item (car list)) (memq item (cdr list))))
> (trace memq)
> (memq 'e '(a b c d e f))
> #+end_src
> #+begin_example lisp
>   0: (MEMQ E (B C D E F))
>     1: (MEMQ E (C D E F))
>       2: (MEMQ E (D E F))
>         3: (MEMQ E (E F))
>         3: MEMQ returned T
>       2: MEMQ returned T
>     1: MEMQ returned T
>   0: MEMQ returned T
> #+end_example
> ** Ignored errors
> #+begin_src lisp :results errors :wrap example lisp
> (ignore-errors (/ 1 0))
> #+end_src
> #+begin_example lisp
> ; in: LET ((*DEFAULT-PATHNAME-DEFAULTS* #P"/home/akater/"))
> ;     (/ 1 0)
> ; 
> ; caught STYLE-WARNING:
> ;   Lisp error during constant folding:
> ;   arithmetic error DIVISION-BY-ZERO signalled
> ;   Operation was (/ 1 0).
> ; 
> ; compilation unit finished
> ;   caught 1 STYLE-WARNING condition
> #+end_example
> ** A combo
> #+begin_src lisp :results errors trace output :wrap example lisp
> (progn (time 0) (ignore-errors (/ 1 0)) (princ "wow"))
> #+end_src
> #+begin_example lisp
> ; in: LET ((*DEFAULT-PATHNAME-DEFAULTS* #P"/home/akater/"))
> ;     (/ 1 0)
> ; 
> ; caught STYLE-WARNING:
> ;   Lisp error during constant folding:
> ;   arithmetic error DIVISION-BY-ZERO signalled
> ;   Operation was (/ 1 0).
> ; 
> ; compilation unit finished
> ;   caught 1 STYLE-WARNING condition
> Evaluation took:
>   0.000 seconds of real time
>   0.000004 seconds of total run time (0.000004 user, 0.000000 system)
>   100.00% CPU
>   420 processor cycles
>   0 bytes consed
> wow
> #+end_example

This looks really a great feature!!!

> * Caveats
> This improvement requires a change in SLIME code. One of SLIME
> maintaners agreed to merge it but SLIME and Org would need to
> synchronise their updates, and I'm not sure how to approach this.
> Corresponding patch to SLIME changes the interface of
> ~swank:eval-and-grab-output~. As implemented,
> ~swank:eval-and-grab-output~ makes its users choose between values and
> output by means of ~car~ and ~cadr~; preserving the compatibility by
> extending the current behaviour would make its users refer to various
> outputs by their positions which is a very bad idea. I employed alist
> instead. However, merging will break =ob-lisp= completely for those who
> use vcs Org but a stable SLIME.
> The change to SLIME may also affect ~org-babel-execute:clojure~ but I
> have no idea why Clojure would use SLIME and whether it actually does
> use it. Anyway, I will be able to provide a patch for it that would
> ensure backwards compatibility.
> * Some Details
> ** Syntax
> At least one function needs to be changed, namely
> ~org-babel-execute:lisp~.
> We preserve the current behaviour, i.e. =:results output= behaves as it
> used to. Preserving compatibility requires patching
> ~org-babel-result-cond~ so that it does not try to vectorise output from
> =:result trace=, =:result errors=.
> We could avoid this by requiring the =output= parameter all the time, so
> that user would have to write something like =:results trace output= or
> =:results output trace standard=. While the former is neat, the latter
> is not. Also, the notion “error output stream” makes sense not only for
> Common Lisp. Thus, adding =trace= and =errors= exceptional cases to
> ~org-babel-result-cond~ looks acceptable to me.
> ** (suggestion) Multi-block return
> Overall, I believe it would be best to embrace full potential of Org
> features and implement multi-block results as default for Common Lisp
> evaluation in Org, like in the following example:
> #+begin_src lisp
> (progn (time 0) (ignore-errors (/ 1 0)) (princ "wow") t)
> #+end_src
> #+begin_values lisp
> T
> #+end_values
> #+begin_errors lisp
> ; in: LET ((*DEFAULT-PATHNAME-DEFAULTS* #P"/home/akater/"))
> ;     (/ 1 0)
> ; 
> ; caught STYLE-WARNING:
> ;   Lisp error during constant folding:
> ;   arithmetic error DIVISION-BY-ZERO signalled
> ;   Operation was (/ 1 0).
> ; 
> ; compilation unit finished
> ;   caught 1 STYLE-WARNING condition
> #+end_errors
> #+begin_trace lisp
> Evaluation took:
>   0.000 seconds of real time
>   0.000003 seconds of total run time (0.000003 user, 0.000000 system)
>   100.00% CPU
>   476 processor cycles
>   0 bytes consed
> #+end_trace
> #+begin_output
> wow
> #+end_output

I have some considering. Multi-block return might will cause other options hard
to handle the result block. For example ~:cache~, ~:results replace~, and use 
as source block input data. WDYT?

> while simply hiding empty blocks, if any, for convenience.
> Note that currently, when “output” is specified, “values” is simply
> lost, and vice versa. Implementing multi-block results would fix this
> shortcoming too.
> However, I did not try to implement this yet.
> * Conclusion
> How do we sync with SLIME if you're OK with this? How do we treat the
> case of vcs Org + stable SLIME?

Might on Org Mode side, add an function to detect SLIME output, or SLIME version
to make sure ~:results trace~ is usable. If not, warn user to update SLIME. 

- -- 
[ stardiviner ]
       I try to make every word tell the meaning that I want to express.

       Blog: https://stardiviner.github.io/
       IRC(freenode): stardiviner, Matrix: stardiviner
       GPG: F09F650D7D674819892591401B5DF1C95AE89AC3


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