Additionally, what does the :buffer on header argument do?

I seem to see it in the examples, but can't find in the info document.

2020-05-25 11:10 GMT+08:00, Vladimir Nikishkin <>:
> Hello, everyone
> So...
> I have the following block:
> #+name: figure-1-2
> #+header: :imagemagick yes :iminoptions -density 600 :imoutoptions -geometry
> 300
> #+header: :fit yes :headers '("\\usepackage{tikz}")
> #+header: :buffer on
> #+begin_src latex :results value graphics file :exports both :file
> figure-1-2-tree.png
> \usetikzlibrary{trees}
> \begin{tikzpicture}[color=gray]
> \node {sqrt} % root
>   child { node {sqrt-iter}
>                   child[sibling distance=5cm] { node{ good-enough }
>                           child[sibling distance=2cm] { node { square } }
>                           child[sibling distance=2cm] { node { abs } } }
>                   child { node{ improve }
>                           child { node { average } } } };
> \end{tikzpicture}
> #+end_src
> Note the [color=gray] parameter to the tikzpicture environment.
> I use a dark theme (arguably more merciful for the eyes when spending
> a lot of time working with computers).
> Therefore, when I type C-c at a picture block, I'm want to be getting
> a picture that is decently viewable on a black background. But when I
> am exporting the document, I expect to print it on a white piece of
> paper, so I want the pictures to be viewable too.
> These two requirements are contradictory to each other, so I need some
> additional level of abstraction somewhere here. But where?
> [color=gray] is a workaround, as it is visible on both the black
> background and the white background. If I don't find anything better,
> I will just either let it be, or replace it with [color=blue].
> But ideally, I'd like to export black-on-white pictures to LaTeX, and
> keep white-on-black when using the org document directly.
> Has this been already solved by some canned recipe? I'm getting lost
> in too many levels of abstraction:
> GTK Theme -> Emacs Theme -> org -> TikZ -> LaTeX -> Viewer
> --
> Yours sincerely, Vladimir Nikishkin

Yours sincerely, Vladimir Nikishkin

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