oops .. you mentioned `cl-loop' and I found it interesting, in particular the de-structuring part.

so I rewrote the (dolist (col-with …) …) as (cl-loop for (col . with) in … do …).

so I could simplify `(car col-with)' and `(cdr col-with)', then I replaced the `do' with a `collect', so I could squash other `setq' into one, and finally removed the need to do a `reverse' on the result.  less parentheses, and 4 lines less.

I added one regression test which is still respected, as is the rest of the test suite.

so maybe all is fine.

putting order in the commits is now the challenge.  thank you for your hints on git commit amend etc.

I hope to be back soon with a single commit...

ciao, Mario

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