Dear Andras,

I just made test with less packages and the problem is not linked at
all with org-export-head. In fact html export is no more possible with
my emacs as soon as

M-x citeproc-org-setup

is done.

Here are the list of packages:

Emacs 26.3
 org                9.1.9         built-in     (but the problem is the
same with a more recent version of org).
 org-bullets        20200317.1740 installed
  org-context        20200418.1540 installed
  org-mime           20200520.1100 installed
  org-plus-contrib   20200608      installed
  outorg             20190720.2002 installed
  ox-pandoc          20180510.1338 installed
 org-ref            20200606.1848 dependency
  citeproc-org       0.2.2         installed
 citeproc           20200305.2126 dependency

Best wishes,


Le lun. 8 juin 2020 à 14:13, András Simonyi <> a écrit :
> Hi Joseph,
> this is rather mysterious. I tried to reproduce the bug: Downloaded
> the ieee-with-url.csl style you are using and cloned the
> org-export-head repository. Added some bibliographic references to the
> blog entries in the example file, and... the whole export
> with org-export-head ran without errors and the references and
> bibliographies were formatted properly in the resulting html files.
> So I guess first we should try to find a minimal working example for
> the bug that I can reproduce. Could you send an example where you add
> just a single citation to the example file without any other
> modifications and the org-export-head export hangs because of this?
> It'd be also helpful if you could send the corresponding BibTeX entry
> plus perhaps the Emacs and Org version numbers. Also, perhaps it'd be
> worth trying out whether switching to other csl styles (e.g., the
> Chicago style shipped with citeproc-org) make any difference.
> best regards,
> András
> On Sun, 7 Jun 2020 at 16:23, Joseph Vidal-Rosset
> <> wrote:
> >
> > Hi again,
> >
> > I just discovered that my problem came from citeproc-org
> >
> > More exactly I had these lines in my init.el
> >
> > (require 'citeproc)
> > (require 'citeproc-org)
> > (citeproc-org-setup)
> > (setq citeproc-org-html-bib-header "<h2>References</h2>\n")
> > (setq citeproc-org-default-style-file "~/Dropbox/Orgzly/ieee-with-url.csl")
> >
> > The function (citeproc-org-setup) is the responsible of this new problem.
> >
> > Sorry Andras to bother you with this problem with your package. I hope
> > that you will have a solution.
> >
> > Best wishes,
> >
> > Jo.
> >
> > Le dim. 7 juin 2020 à 15:12, Joseph Vidal-Rosset
> > <> a écrit :
> > >
> > > Hi everybody,
> > >
> > > The package org-ref  is a wonderful tool and I do not imagine working
> > > without its helps now (again many thanks to John Kitchin).
> > >
> > > But for some days now I meet a problem with bibliography html export
> > > with org-ref and I cannot no more use org-export-head that I used for
> > > my blog ( thanks again to Ivan)
> > > : as soon as there is a bibliographical reference, emacs loops.
> > >
> > > I guess that the problem is very probably in my emacs setup but I do
> > > not find the solution.
> > >
> > > I would be happy to find help with html export with bibliographical
> > > references, and advices for the best solution for blogging with emacs
> > > (I've just tried Jekyll with org, but the problem with export
> > > bibliographical reference is the same, my emacs loops.)
> > >
> > > In advance, thanks for your help, because I am lost.
> > >
> > > Jo.

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