Russell Adams <> writes:

> On Mon, Jul 06, 2020 at 05:59:18PM -0700, Rob Duncan wrote:
>> Rob Duncan <> writes:
>> > Is there a way to specify the display format used for complex number
>> > calculations in the table spreadsheet?  In particular I'd like to be
>> > able control whether a value is displayed in rectangular or polar form.
>> I ended up explicitly using the `polar(Z)' and `rect(Z)' functions in
>> the table formulae and I now get the display format I'm looking for.
> Rob, can you paste an example for others to reference later?

Yep, here's one:

  | ! | A          | B          | R               | P                |
  | # | (1,1)      | (1,1)      | (0, 2)          | (2; 90.)         |
  | # | (1.414;45) | (1.414;45) | (0., 1.999396)  | (1.999396; 90)   |
  | # | (1,1)      | (1.414;45) | (0., 1.9996980) | (1.9996980; 90.) |
  | # | (1.414;45) | (1,1)      | (0., 1.9996980) | (1.9996980; 90.) |
  #+TBLFM: $4=rect($A*$B)::$5=polar($A*$B)


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