I get the expected behavior in Emacs 27.0.90

***** x
asd fnjkasn dkfjan ksdjfn kajsdfn
***** kill this whole header line and insert before caret
^ajsdf kasdn kfjasnd jkfan ksdfn
what i expect is that it is inserted above caret
what occurs is it gets inserted below
***** z

Le 18/07/2020 à 01:18, Samuel Wales a écrit :
> in recent maint in emacs 25.
> ***** x
> asd fnjkasn dkfjan ksdjfn kajsdfn
> ^ajsdf kasdn kfjasnd jkfan ksdfn
> ***** kill this whole header line and insert before caret
> what i expect is that it is inserted above caret
> what occurs is it gets inserted below
> ***** z
> this is surprising because i expected plain text behavior for yanking.
> note that i might or might not want plain text behavior for inserting
> a new header.
> i have a nagging feeling i am missing a NEWS item here.

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