Matt Huszagh <> writes:

> Hello,
> The org info documentation states
>      The ‘file-desc’ header argument defines the description (see *note
>      Link Format::) for the link.  If ‘file-desc’ has no value, Org uses
>      the generated file name for both the “link” and “description” parts
>      of the link.
> However, if I evaluate the
> #+BEGIN_SRC asymptote :results value file :file circle.pdf :output-dir img/
>   size(2cm);
>   draw(unitcircle);
> I get
> [[file:img/circle.pdf]]
> I believe the documentation (and this is corroborated by the discussion
> of the original patch
> (,
> that the intended result is
> [[file:img/circle.pdf][file:img/circle.pdf]]
> Is my assessment correct? Can anyone else confirm this bug?
> Thanks
> Matt

If this is indeed a bug, is there supposed to be a way to create the
current output?:


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