Hi Varnit,

"Varnit Suri" <vs...@brocade.com> writes:

> Hello,
> I 'm trying to implement the Getting Things Done approach using Org-mode
> (like many others!). 
> I 've been thinking of the best way to implement GTD's Reference and
> Tickler folders in Org-mode. I have a few thoughts of my own, but wanted
> to check with the community, in case anyone else has a better solution.
> My solutions are pretty 'raw' - just a text file (with links, etc) for
> the Reference and a Someday list for the Tickler. Anyone else has more
> sophisticated solutions? Any comments are appreciated.

The wonderful thing about org-mode is that there are many ways to
accomplish the same thing. For instance, one could have a file for
active projects and another file for someday/maybe items. Or one could
use tags to indicate someday/maybe items.

I myself use an inactive todo keyword (SOMEDAY) to remove items from my
active todo list.


--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
(setq org-todo-keywords '((sequence "TODO(t)" "STARTED(s)" "|" "DONE(d)" 
"WAITING(w)" "SOMEDAY(s)")))
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

With this setup I do planning in multiple org files, each of which
corresponds to an area of responsibility (household, finances, work1,
work2, family, friends, etc.). Thus if I want to mark something as
someday/maybe, I simply switch the todo to SOMEDAY. As a bonus, org-mode
inserts an inactive timestamp that lets me know when the item became
inactive. During reviews, I use the agenda to look over the SOMEDAY list
and switch any important items to TODO (and vice versa).

I use the agenda view to as my tickler file. I use timestamps as

1. Active timestamps: For appointments or things that have to be done on
   a particular day.

2. Scheduled timestamps: To postpone an item until a certain date -
   i.e., make an item show up on my agenda on x date and every day

3. Deadline timestamps: To mark when an item is due. I can change the
   amount of warning time with a negative interval indicator in the
   timestamp. E.g., the following will start warning me about a deadline
   ten days in advance:

| * PROJECT Project due
|   DEADLINE: <2009-06-01 Mon -10d>

Hope this helps,

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