Jack Kamm writes:

> No, the tests don't stall on my end (Archlinux with manually compiled
> emacs 28). I also tested on a debian10vm and the tests passed there too.
> But since we know it's related to 4df12ea39 that gives some
> clues...could you try the attached patch to see if it fixes things?
> Also, could you try executing some simple ob-python session blocks and
> see if they hang? e.g.,
> #+begin_src python :session :results output
>   print(1+1)
> #+end_src
> #+begin_src python :session :results value
>   1+1
> #+end_src

With Org's master (f17d301e1), the second one hangs for me with Emacs
26.3.  Quickly stepping through org-babel-python--send-string, it
appears to get stuck in the accept-process-output call.

Using an Emacs built from master, there's no hang on my end either.  If
you'd find it useful, I can try to bisect that to a specific Emacs
commit tomorrow.

The Emacs 26.3 hang goes away after installing your patch that restores
the use of a marker.

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