Hi Timothy,

TEC <tecos...@gmail.com> writes:

> From memory, Doom actually has a number of rather nice Org patches that
> it hoards :P IIRC simply to avoid the effort of going through the patch
> process, and have more flexibility (using Doom convenience macros, etc.).
> See 
> https://github.com/hlissner/doom-macs/blob/develop/modules/lang/org/config.el
> for nice features like lazy loading babel language support.
> There are a number of contributors, but if you look at the blame
> (https://github.com/hlissner/doom-emacs/blame/develop/modules/lang/org/config.el)
> you can see that it looks like everyone other than Henrik (hlissner) has
> only made what we'd call TINYCHANGEs.

We do encourage early upstream contributions exactly because of this
issue: when downstream (or distinct) projects accumulate changes made 
with no clear copyright assignment, we cannot integrate these changes
upstream, because of these copyright uncertainty.


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