On 2020-09-10 18:00, Gustav Wikström wrote:
Hi TRS-80,

 Your approach should work just fine. So fine, in fact, that it's
already kind of built in! Configure org-id-method and set it to 'ts
and you'll get timestamps as ID instead of uuid.

 I do believe the manual lacks a description for this. Not entirely
sure though, and can't check atm. But the configuration is there none
the less, and supported.

 Kind regards


Hi Gustav,

Thanks for the fast reply.

I am aware of the 'ts' option to org-id-method which does not seem to
be documented in manual, only docstring of its defcustom in org-id.el.
I had left that detail out for the sake of brevity.  :)

My problem with that is that I do not like the format it outputs which
is "%Y%m%dT%H%M%S.%6N" (in other words, output which looks like
"20200910T180910.747026").  Only a little bit better than the "uuid"
option, IMHO!  :)

It would be great if that format-time-string was a configurable
variable, instead of hard coded, but alas it is not.  Well, since we
are now on that subject, perhaps I should ask is there some reason for
this?  Or would Bastien perhaps consider something like that?  :)))


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