Kyle Meyer <> writes:

> Colin Baxter writes:
>>>>>>> Frederic Santos <> writes:
>>     > Hi everyone, After upgrading to Emacs 27, I noticed that, for any
>>     > org document, =C-c C-e l o= now behaves on my computer as =C-c C-e
>>     > l p=; i.e., the pdf is correctly produced, but is not displayed
>>     > anymore on side window.
>>     > Several users (using various operating systems) confirmed the bug
>>     > on StackExchange:
>>     > 
>>     > Is there any simple workaround to solve that?
>> Does not happen to me. I'm on emacs-27.1 and org-mode from git (version
>> 9.3.8 (release_9.3.8-777-g9c31cb). Perhaps try updating your org-mode.
> Thanks for checking.  And I can't trigger the issue with Emacs 27 and
> the commit reported in the subject (ba2405) on a GNU/Linux system.
> This goes through org-open-file, so it depends on the OS and system
> configuration.  Frederic, I'd recommend trying to tweak org-file-apps to
> see if you can land on something that displays the PDF again.
> And I think Nick's suggestion/question in the SE comment thread is a
> good one:
>     It's probably not an emacs issue at all: what happens when you run
>     usr/bin/xdg-open /home/fs/Documents/essai.pdf from the command line?

I recently had the same problem, on Arch Linux with Emacs 27.1. If you
run xdg-open from an eshell, the problem should be the same.  It should
also go away if you replace "xdg-open" with "setsid xdg-open".

I ended up doing

  (push '("\\.pdf\\'" . "evince %s") org-file-apps)

to solve it for my case. It would have been preferable to change how the
default app is being resolved from "xdg-open" to "setsid xdg-open", but
I haven't been able to.


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