I think we may be able get something promising by merging your
(Christian + Tom) ideas and David's. What if we have have a
#+TBLCELLMERGE key which acts as you describe, and /just using the
current table syntax/ have something like this (using the example from
my first email)

| a | b  | c |
| hi    || a |
| two x || . |
| three || b |
|  c | - | . |
#+TBLCELLMERGE: @2$1..@4$2

This is /currently/ a valid Org table, which /currently/ autoformats to:
| a     | b | c |
| hi    |   | a |
| two x |   | . |
| three |   | b |
| c     | - | . |

So with an autoformatting change + an overlay, perhaps we can do this
nicely without any syntax changes 😃.


Christian Moe <m...@christianmoe.com> writes:

+1 for enabling table-cell merges in export. I imagine this would be a tricky job for developers, but it would relieve me as a user of much
repeated fiddling with exported drafts.

+1 for doing it without adding clutter to the table syntax, but
specifying merges on a separate line like formulas, like Tom's

  #+TBLCELLMERGE: @2..3$1

(amended here to use the established '..' rather than hyphen for range)

Though if we do add such a line, we might also think of a more general solution that could over time be extended with additional formatting
options, e.g. something like

#+TBLSTYLE: @2..3$1='(:merge t)::@4$1='(:bgcolor yellow :color red)

But obviously that could open a can of worms, aka potentially endless feature requests requiring different implementations for each backend.


Tom Gillespie writes:

Any support for something like this would need to retain backward compatibility as well to avoid older versions reformatting the tables due to e.g. the presence of a double pipe. I also think that extending the table syntax in ways that makes it more complex than it already is, will be a non-starter. Thus, an alternate but more likely approach would be to allow specification of what cells to merge outside the table as is done for formulas. It is not elegant, but it would be a layer on top of existing syntax, and it would allow the fundamental
structure of the table to remain the same -- rows of cells. For
example #+TBLCELLMERGE: @2-3$1 or something like that. Thoughts?

On Mon, Nov 2, 2020 at 1:37 PM TEC <tecos...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi all,

This is a pretty major 'feature request', but I think also an

When developing large tables, it can often be /necessary/ to start
multi-column/row cells for clarity, and sensible exporting

As far as I am aware, in Org does not currently have any
syntax. The only viable method seems to be re-implementing the
using export blocks in every backend you may want to export to (in
case, usually TeX + HTML). This is clumsy, difficult to work with,
could be avoided should org gain support for multi-col/row syntax.

I appreciate that this would constitute a major change both the
syntax and the codebase, but I believe such a change is warranted
by the
advantages it would provide.

Both how this can be implemented while minimising/eliminating the
of breaking well-formed current table elements, and what syntax
may be
both acceptable and seem sensible to use.

I would anticipate such a feature working by designating two
to indicate "add row" and "add column". For example "|" and "-".
characters would take affect when /immediately following/ (no
space) a
cell separator ("|"), and designate the dimensions of the top
right cell.

| a | b | c |
| a | - | | |
| - | b | . |
| . | | | c |

Would be interpreted just as any current table is.


| hello | there | you  |
|| two column   | cell |

Contains a 2x1 cell.

| a little | test |
|- hello   | hi   |
| two row  | you  |

Contains a 1x2 cell. In a more complex example:

| a | b | c |
||-- hi | a |
| two x | . |
| three | b |
| c | - | . |

Contains a 2x3 cell.

This is just the first syntax that comes to mind, but hopefully
general form of this idea seems viable.

All the best,


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