* Gustavo Barros <gusbrs.2...@gmail.com> [2020-11-15 17:51]:
> > I do, thank you for reminder. Us in plural are sometimes teachers or
> > mentors who educate other people who are supposed to edit Org files in
> > most simple manner, and those people will never be able to write to
> > this list to find out which option where, not even to know about
> > indentation things. When default is introduced then all people
> > following an educator has to turn off default. They will not even know
> > why. One default introduced can cause butterfly effect.
> > 
> Also a fellow teacher here.  As you, I'm trying to transmit this information
> to you and others, because I find it useful.  Nobody needs to use `M-RET',
> `C-RET' and `C-j'.

You are right, I am totally in agreement that it is useful as a
feature. In general I am using electric-indent mode.

Though that it is introduced by default is arguable what can be seen in 
responses here.

> > General design of user interface should not conquer their habits
> > unless substantial amount of users have demanded it so.
> And how exactly would maintainers know that?  Do you claim to be speaking on
> their (substantial amount of users) behalf?

In this specific case it is easy to know what was the condition before
and what is condition after introduction of that new feature. Somebody
offered reasoning and I have seen 3-4 people declaring that function
works OK. Super fine. But that is not reasoning enough to change some
default behavior of a program for maybe hundreds of thousands of

Better reasoning could be to ask on the mailing list what people think
about it and how they are using indentation as that way more
information may be obtained if such or any new feature would be more
useful or contraproductive for users.

You ask them.

> Please, don't confuse.  I said you should *not* use (the command)
> `org-indent-region' if you were systematically manually overriding
> indentation defaults.  I recommended to set the user option
> `org-adapt-indentation' to nil, which seems to be the desired value
> for most of the manifestations on this thread.

Maybe I made a mistake, as that is exactly what I did set. 

I am using Org for some years, so of course it came to me very
surprising. Person who just start using it recently with such defaults
should rarely find it awkward as person learns about it and assumes it
is how it is.

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