2020-11-16 Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide wrote:

I would like to agree, because I wish people would also read NEWS for my
projects, but since I use at least 10-20 programs daily which depend on
hundreds of libraries that might change their behavior, that’s

I cannot read NEWS entries whenever my distro updates org-mode,
therefore I depend on org-mode not breaking during updates.

The problem is partially with absence of convenient interface for reviewing of updates. E.g. apt-listchanges from debian extracts news (major changes) or both news and debian changelog entries from downloaded packages before installing them. Similar GUI from ubuntu is less convenient due to it fetches changes after selecting particular entry causing delays and grouping of packages built from the same source works not well enough.

P.S. Maybe I missed that, but it seems org-indent-mode (#+STARTUP: indent) has not mentioned in this long thread.

There is a footnote in the manual related to hard indentation:

This works, but requires extra effort. Org Indent mode is more convenient for most applications.

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